Date & Time
Monday, February 26, 2024, 2:00 PM - 2:45 PM
Suitable for Subrogation? How to Determine if a Claim Has Subrogation Potential

This session will provide case studies in several key areas that outline the main elements to look for in evaluating if a claim has subrogation potential. The takeaways include how to identify subrogation potential, non-standard recovery opportunities, early identification of roadblocks, and how recovery opportunities present in a casualty claim. 

The session will highlight that Identification of subrogation potential involves identification of potential avenues of liability in third parties, including identification of potential third parties in the typical fire claim and the typical water loss (pipe break/freeze).  Typical liability analysis including duty, breach causation and damages.  Non-standard subrogation recovery opportunities including storm damage claims will be covered.  Finally, contribution and indemnification recovery opportunities will be covered. 


Marc Madonia